A locking system needs good preparation
Depending on the requirements, different types of locking systems can be distinguished.
Central locking system
Locking systems of this type are used for small residential properties. The central locking for the front door and all generally accessible rooms can be closed with any key.

Master key locking system
Locking systems of this type are used for apartment buildings, stores, schools and others. One master key locks all apartments (for emergency use) and all other keys open only your apartment itself.

General master key locking system
Locking systems of this type are used for larger objects, such as administrative buildings, industrial and craft enterprises, educational institutions and others. The general master key system is divided into individual groups and subgroups. In order for the intended function of the system to be optimally executed, good preparation with a clean organizational scheme (locking concept) is necessary. The purpose of the locking system is to clearly delineate the individual areas of responsibility.

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